Wats MF gud!!!! Frank the beast joins the D.A.W.G.Z. and shares the story of his confrontation with a lobster man. Frank's from LL Bean. Shane's a soldier in the Diaz Army. And Matt's bro had to bury a dag. RIP.
Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ patreon.com/MSsecretpod
Support Stuff Island @ patreon.com/stuffisland
Yo0o00o00o0o. wuts good. Fresh mf cast for you jokaz. The D.A.W.G.Z. are joined by italian friend of the cast Tommy Pope. We talk pigs, hollerin, yeezy, and much more. Tommy co-hosts the podcast Stuff Island with our other friend turd. Also we back on YouTube .... 4 now. Praise be. Please enjoy.
Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ patreon.com/mssecretpod
Support 2 Jacked Bros @ patreon.com/TwoJackedBros
Support Dad Meat @ patreon.com/dadmeatpodcast
Matt's Stand up Dates:
wuz MF gud. The big DAWGs away on bizniz. So Matthew called upon the Stoner Daddyz to step in in his absence. A fantastic cast ensued. Please enjoy.
Some bullllshid to address - We're in YouTube time out right now for disputing the efficacy of the WHO. We behaved so badly and we're so so so sorry. Idk what got into us. So the video will be going up on the Stoner Dads tube - and will be avail free on our Paytch. Our sincerest apologies.
Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ patreon.com/MSsecretpod
Yuhhhhhhh. Happy MF New Year. Like a Pheonix from the ashes, Matthew has risen. The D.A.W.G.Z. are reunited. Please enjoy.