Shane's back form a glorious post-covid gig. Matt's deep underground with his hand in multiple movements. They meet to discuss the fate of the American Empire as we know it. Basically like a fat, dumb Bilderberg.
Topix include: the way forward, cancel apocalypse, who survives cancels, Shane's surprising ally, And a bunch more!!
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Shane's back form a glorious post-covid gig. Matt's deep underground with his hand in multiple movements. They meet to discuss the fate of the American Empire as we know it. Basically like a fat, dumb Bilderberg.
Topix include: the way forward, cancel apocalypse, who survives cancels, Shane's surprising ally, And a bunch more
Bad week for some. Great week for others. Our enemies are many, yes. But, our cadre of loyal dawgz continues to grow. Incorporation, and personal expansion. This is the way we move.
Some call this a podcast. Other's call it an immortality project. Perhaps it's both. Then again, perhaps it's neither.
Topics include: The Brueger Method, Justin Bieber's favorite comedian, Bae repellent, the propaganda show, and a bunch more stuff.
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Support the D.A.W.G.Z
First day in the new studio with full video. There was a wee bit of construction above us as well. And the audio got weird from 1:42-1:58. Other than that though it was great! Really good stuff, guys. So check it out. We talk about Native American gauntlets, defunding the police, and a lot of other stuff.
Watch the video here:
Silence falls over the doubly locked down streets of the city as a caravan of Honda Civics and Chevy Cruzes process to the secret location. A team of ample-bodied bulls guide the two operatives to the "secret" location. Fights break out. Chaos ensues. The real D.A.W.G.Z. slip out of the back of a Isuzu Rodeo and gain access to the actual safe house, looking over their shoulders at their body doubles, noting how jacked they are before slipping in through door of an unassuming row home to beam the signal